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Our skies need clean fuels
from all decarbonized technologies

of clean fuels
What we do
ATOBA is powering the rapid scaling of Sustainable Aviation Fuel production by solving the financial dilemma between the airlines and the new technology SAF producers.
Sustainable aviation fuel needs to grow from a production of 300 ktonnes in 2023 to 400 million tonnes per year by 2050.
This growth requires all solutions that have technical, environmental, and economical relevance to scale as fast as possible.

The current dilemma
Currently, the SAF market is facing challenges in expanding at the rate demanded by environmental needs and regulatory mandates.
Producers need long-term, stable pricing contracts to amortize their investments, while airlines seek assurance of optimum market prices to a benchmark index and mitigated technology and execution risks.
This conflict of expectations does not enable SAF production projects to be financed and built. We must solve this dilemma now to reach our aviation climate goals.
What makes ATOBA unique

Secured airlines competitiveness thanks to long term market aligned SAF index pricing, that continuously evolves with the maturation and scaling of the SAF industry

Producers of all technologies can reach FID thanks to our longterm offtake agreements based on index pricing tailored to their technology

SAF supply security is enabled by the wide offtake supply agreements from a wide range of technologies, feedstocks, and regions

A diverse portfolio of SAF production pathways
ATOBA offtakes from a wide range of SAF technologies because the right technical, economical, and environmental solution depends on picking the best feedstocks and conversion process in each region of the world
eSAF or PTL is made from clean electricity and captured CO2. It will be produced in regions with extremely low electrical power costs. It’s the most sustainable but the highest cost today.

ATJ transforms ethanol or isobutanol from agricultural feedstocks such as: corn, sugarcane, switchgrass, other energy crops or residues

Gas-FT converts waste into syngas and then to fuel. It uses waste from sources such as municipal solid waste, forestry and agricultural residues, short rotation forestry products.

HEFA is the most affordable today but has limited feedstock slowing its growth beyond 2030. Mainly made from vegetable oils, waste cooking oils, fatty acid distillates, and animal waste fats.

Collaborative partnerships to scale SAF
Transitioning hard to abate sectors such as aviation requires to rethink the end to end value chain, redefine roles and responsibilities, and create new partnership that push the boundaries of what is possible.
We need to work all together to reach our 2050 net zero goals.

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